I made this one the other day. Very chilled and mostly vocals. Could hopefully help you to wind down during these weekends.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Angela Bofill - People make the world go round
I've been going back to some old disco stuff lately and here's 4 ½ minutes of social realism in a disco package from Angela Bofill. There's obviously plenty of versions of this song, but as far as I know this is the most dance friendly.
Hope you dig!
Angela Bofill - People make the world go round (192)
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Tom Browne - Come for the ride
Here's some sophisticated boogie in Tom Browne's 'Come for the ride'. The LP 'Yours truly' is easily available for anyone into wax.
If you're good with a digital copy - voila!
Tom Browne - Come for the ride (320)
If you're good with a digital copy - voila!
Tom Browne - Come for the ride (320)
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Mtume - So you wanna be star
I've been busy ripping hours of vinyl, so here's a result of that. Mtume's fantastic 'So you wanna be a star'. Disco of finest order which never fails on the more mature dance floors. Enjoy this special treat!
Mtume - So you wanna be a star (320)
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Dexter wansel - The sweetest pain
There are so much great music coming from the legendary PIR record label. This is one of their best moments for me. Absolutely amazing soul from Dexter Wansel from the 'Time is slipping away' LP.
Enjoy very much!
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Shuggie Otis - XL-30
Any discerning (soul) music lover knows about Shuggie Otis. If you don't - don't worry that's what i'm here for. Ok, sorry about this this slightly pretentious intro.
Shuggie Otis' stuff is quite easily found, primary due to the fact that he hasn't done much. But it's all worth looking for. This track, XL-30 is from the Inspiration Information LP and that's always a good start.
This is original space funk (pre-techno?), just so wonderfully weird, and the whole LP is just such a complete recording. One that it's always nice to back to. Soul, folk and some futuristic drum programming all in one. I know Kon and Amir recently dug out some unreleased stuff from him, so hopefully there's more good stuff to find out about. Till then - just get locking & popping with this bomb.
Shuggie Otis - XL-30 (320)
Saturday, 20 November 2010
The Dutch Rhythm Steel & Showband - Down by the river
This is such a heavy take on Neil Young's 'Down by the river' by The Dutch Rhythm Steel & Showband. Nuff said, really. Well, the LP is 'Soul, Steel & Show' on Negram and available if you try hard enough.
The Dutch Rhythm Steel & Showband - Down by the river (320)
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Claudia - Salve Rainha
I've been inactive on my brasilian records for quite some time. But whenever I go back to check some stuff there's always refreshing and fantastic music to discover. Following on the previous Tim Maia post, I'll keep it in the same direction, here with Claudia.
The LP is 'Passaro Emigrante' and the track here is ' Salve Rainha'. This is killer fusion stuff, taking a few different directions in these 3½ minutes and it's all good and funky.
Claudia - Salve Rainha (320)
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Jimmy McGriff - Space Cadet
This is heavy stuff!
I wasn't really familiar with Jimmy McGriff till I found out about this track off the 'Red Beans' LP. There's another jazzy disco 12" which I'm certainly going to cop in the near future. Till then - check out these classy breaks.
I wasn't really familiar with Jimmy McGriff till I found out about this track off the 'Red Beans' LP. There's another jazzy disco 12" which I'm certainly going to cop in the near future. Till then - check out these classy breaks.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Mad Mats in the mix
Mad Mats was one of the first dj's that we booked back in the day when I first got involved in arranging clubs. This was back in 94', I believe, and we were really anxious to find out about the new stuff that was going during these pre-internet days. I clearly remember that he delivered, the place was on fire and our small-ish town experienced something never heard before. What struck me a few years later, was why the guy didn't get the recognition he deserved. Technical skills and a vast knowledge of all new and retro sounds, brasilian & latin music and such. Obviously it later took off with the Raw Fusion parties, the label and dj'ing.
So here you go - 2 hours of connecting the musical dots. Soulful, funky and futuristic.Nov 2010 Mega Mix by madmats
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Candy Bowman - Since I found you
This is pure soul heaven from Candy Bowman. Timeless music that has standed the test of time, and will do forever.
It doesn't get much better than this. Enjoy!
Candy Bowman - Since I found you (320)
It doesn't get much better than this. Enjoy!
Candy Bowman - Since I found you (320)
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Prince - 17 Days
There isn't much that hasn't been said about this true genious. And if you claim to be into dance music in any form and don't dig this, then I just feel sorry for you. This is off the 'When doves cry' 12", and one I like to get back to and drop now and then.
Prince - 17 Days (320)
Friday, 29 October 2010
Pam Todd - Makin' love
It's a bit of special feeling finding a 30-something year old record still sealed. I've been lurking on this one for a while and when this minty copy turned up I decided to have a go at it. The LP is "Together" by Pam Todd and the obvious(?) track from this LP might be the slightly more uptempo "Let's get together", which is great.
Anyway, here you get "Makin' love", originally appearing on Pam Todd's first LP on Shyrlden from 77' and produced by the legendary Greg Carmichael. It's not your typical banger, but at the right time at the right place i'm sure it does the trick.
I mean, you can't really oppose to the message.
I mean, you can't really oppose to the message.
Pam Todd - Makin' love (320)
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Gwen Mcrae - Doin' it
I think I first heard this played by Ashley Beedle some 12 years ago. It's another of those lost LP tracks that rarely get the attention. This is from the 'On my way' LP, easily available for anyone wanting the wax. Well, even more accessible here if you're happy with my slightly rusty vinyl rip - Enjoy!
Gwen Mcrae - Doin' it (320)
Friday, 22 October 2010
Patti Jo - Ain't no love lost
Keeping it on the female and funky retro tip. Here with Patti Jo's - "Ain't no love lost" edited by Tom Moulton. Produced by Curtis Mayfield and originally released in 72' and later exclusevily released in this edited version on a Scepter disco comp.
Sweetness guaranteed!
Sweetness guaranteed!
Patti Jo - Ain't no love lost (Tom Moulton edit)
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Vera Hamilton - But I ain't no more
I am a musical omnivore, I know. It's jazz, soul, funk, house, techno etc. But I taste it as long as its got the funk, the soul and sounds good. You know, joining the dots and all that. And here's a bit of special nugget for you. Vera Hamilton's - 'But I ain't no more' is certainly the sound of funk.
Vera Hamilton - But I ain't no more (320)
Vera Hamilton - But I ain't no more (320)
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Odyssey - Our lives are shaped by what we love
This group from the early 70's is not to be mixed up with the later and more famous disco group. There are actually quite a few Odysseys'. Anyway these are the ones to look for and there are only one release on the Motown subsidary Mowest. The same titled LP is from 72' and there's another great soul track in 'Battened ships' which I think get some plays on the (northern) soul circuit. Though this one is my favourite, great soul with hints of folk and such. Hope you dig!
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Judy Roberts - Never was love
It's time for some jazzy and funky fusion. This track is off the 'Judy Roberts Band' LP and I believe it's the Inner City pressing which is the first. However, not of highest importance. Check the track as it's a fine piece of jazz funk.
Judy Roberts - Never was love (320)
Judy Roberts - Never was love (320)
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Ned Doheny - Get it up for love
How about some AOR!? A fantastic track from Ned Doheny, possibly more known in Tata Vega's version. "Get it up for love" is from the Hard Candy LP, there are a few various pressings. If you're happy enough to get it on a comp there's a recent one out by DJ Spinna. Here's a digital for you - enjoy!
Ned Doheny - Get it up for love (320)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Autumn mix up
This is something I put together the other night. A spontaneus process ending up in a fairly varied mix ranging from funky & folky; soul, rock, psych and even som Dilla.
Download mix
- Steve Davis - It's all because she's gone
- Chris Harwood - Wooden ships
- Air - Mr. Man
- Tunng - Tale from black
- Stereolab - Metronomic underground
- J Dilla - Workinonit
- Wilson Deirdre Tabac - Get back
- Colosseum - Elegy
- People - Glastonbury
- Placebo - Humpty Dumpty
- Dorothy Ashby - Soul vibrations
- Darrow Fletcher - Now is the time for love (Pt. 2)
- Trevor Dandy - Is there any love
- Milt Matthews - It ain't your fault
- Michael Franks - Born with the moon in virgo
- Nancy Priddy - You've come this way before
Download mix
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Hip ain't what it used to be
I think this might be the official week for Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew" 40th anniversary. I'm not a massive fan, I've got the odd record. Though the "Someday my prince will come" was one of the first LP's I bought when I seriously started to get into jazz. Previously I had some Hancock records and the sort of jazz stuff you just 'wanted' in your collection. But this was the time when I really started to feel the music and I remember Recordmania was the place for the actual purchase.
This particular track, a fantastic modal piece, has always been a favourite since. Without knowing the history in detail I'm guessing this is a tribute to his longtime producer Teo Macero. For those of you who hasn't checked Miles' autobiography- it's great read. I haven't tried the Bitches Brew beer yet, but I'm sure it has been produced with a lot of care. Cin cin!Miles Davis - Teo
Friday, 17 September 2010
Alicia Myers - I want to thank you
A really nice and strong soul/gospel number from Alicia Myers. Also check 'You get the best from me' by her.
Alicia Myers - I want to thank you (320)
Sunday, 12 September 2010
General Lee - We did it baby (Pt. 1)
This is pure gold on 7". Heartmelting, spaced out, mellow soul from the man General Lee and his Space Army Band. This reminds a bit of Roy Ayers, which always is a good thing. I also put it on a mix over here (check if you haven't).
Hope you dig!
General Lee - We did it baby (Pt. 1) [320]
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Percy Faith - First Light
I remember hearing this at David Holmes excellent Essential Mix back in 98' (I believe). 'First Light' originally written and arranged by my favourite Freddy Hubbard, here performed by Percy Faith. At the time when looking for this, when there where no Discogs and such, all I found was various cheezy easy listening records.This one - the LP Corazon from 73' might still be one of those, but it gots this killer version.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Monsters of Folk - Dear god
As heard on GP's 'Worldwide' a few times and recently sampled by the Roots. Oh, and MoF actually sampled Trevor Dandy's - 'Is there any love' - You gotta love these synergies. A really nice modern folk track and I'd really would like to get a 7" of this.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Phyllis Hyman - Living inside your love
Earlier today had a good conversation with a friend, where he pointed out that we're now reaching the time of the year (i.e autumn up here in the north) when it's perfect to seriously get into the music again. So taking it from there I wanna give you a real disco beauty from Phyllis Hyman. "Living inside my love" is for me one of her best songs and is taken from the LP "Somewhere in my lifetime". Later on it also got a 12" release, but it could be one of those LP tracks that are easily neglected. Nothing ellusive but still for me one of those tracks that I try to play whenever I can.
Phyllis Hyman - Living inside my love (320)
Saturday, 28 August 2010
General Johnson - Don't walk away
I was going through some old mixes the other day. This one caught my attention and when going trough to it, I realised there are some nice & heavy tunes in the mix. One of them is General Johnson's "Don't walk away".
This rip is from a nifty little 7", the track is also available on his self titled Arista LP from 76'. It speaks for it self - just pure, emotional soul music at its best.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Stefano Torossi - Feeling tense
This is possibly as complete as music can get for me. It's got the breaks, strings, horns and the arrangement. Library of highest order from Stefano Torrosi. I'm not by any means an expert in this genre, but this record cought my attention after hearing the "Running fast" track from the LP - "Feelings". After that it went straight to my wantlist and I recently found one at a reasonable price.
So far I'm happy with the Easy Tempo reissue, as looking for earlier pressings isn't really realistic right now. We're talking big money. Even though I haven't had the time to listen to this record properly, I must say from what I've heard, this is a baaad record.
I hope you dig!
Stefano Torossi - Feeling tense (320)
So far I'm happy with the Easy Tempo reissue, as looking for earlier pressings isn't really realistic right now. We're talking big money. Even though I haven't had the time to listen to this record properly, I must say from what I've heard, this is a baaad record.
I hope you dig!
Stefano Torossi - Feeling tense (320)
Friday, 6 August 2010
Clifford Jordan Quartet - John Coltrane
Ok, it's time to go back to some jazz. Gradually I felt I've ignored the jazz and I don't want to go there, I need to step back back to the roots. And how's this for you?! A fantastic alternate version of Clifford Jordan's "John Coltrane".
This song was first recorded and released on his (probably) biggest LP "Glass Bed Games" on Strata-East. This one is from a later live session recorded in Paris. The LP is Night of The Mark VII on Muse from 75'.
Now I know why this music will stay with me forever. Enjoy! This song was first recorded and released on his (probably) biggest LP "Glass Bed Games" on Strata-East. This one is from a later live session recorded in Paris. The LP is Night of The Mark VII on Muse from 75'.
Clifford Jordan Quartet - John Coltrane (320)
Sunday, 1 August 2010
[Heads Up] 2 Excellent 45 Reissues
And now over to something completely different. I've been lazy at buying jazz and older soul sounds lately. Obviously it's a matter of prioritizing, but I can also be very periodic in my music consumption and for the past time it's been very much about the newer soul/disco/boogie stuff that is reflected in my postings.
Anyhow, these two recently reissued 45's grabbed my attention and I immediately got an urge to bag these.
The first one is from Jerline and friends. Taken from a cd only reissue from the Streetsoul label with previously unreleased tracks, only available as acetates in the past. It's unbelievable how these tracks wheren't relesed back then. The quality is second to none, and accordingly to some sources these Chicago based musicians later became Starvue. Check it - it's killer stuff.
The second one comes from the great French label Vadim Music. Doing very much 'soundtracky' stuff from obscure sources. I think I heard this one from Jean Pierre Mirouze played by Jazzman Gerald and never bothered to look further as it's just one of those things that would cost you and arm and a leg to get hold of. I'm also quite certain it's been sampled or chopped up but can't for the moment recall by whom (please fill me in). Anyway, great funky organ stuff with enough groove to swing your legs to.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Li'l Louis - How I feel
I haven't really gone much into newer programmed music in this blog. Although it's always been a great part of my musical interest. I guess, as with lots of other afficiandos, it's where it all started and then you go backwards for the roots of all music. This summer as I've played out lots more than usually, and also doing longer sets, I've been able to integrate more house and related music.
This is one of those tracks that always do it for me. Electronic dance music that has aged well, deep Chicago rawness from Li'l Louis in 'How I feel'.
Let there be some house!
Let there be some house!
![]() |
Li'l Louis - How I feel (192)
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Teddy Pendergrass - Take me in your arms tonight
Although this is Teddy Pendergrass' release, Stephanie Mills should definately be credited for her vocal duties. That's it really. Well, add Dexter Wansell on production and PIR - Amazing vintage dance music!
Teddy Pendergrass - Take me in your arms tonight (192)
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Chaka Khan - What Cha' Gonna Do For Me
Sometimes you tend to forget about the obvious records. The sort of non-rare LP's by classic artists. This is the title track from one of those - Chaka Khan's "What cha' gonna do for me". Definately one of my favourite vocalists all time.This is such a solid LP, filled with great tracks that has standed the test of time. All I can say; if you haven't got this one - you need it.
Chaka Khan - What cha' gonna do for me (320)
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Left of Centre
Making mixes is a bit of a mental hassle, this is usually where my confidence gets a bit of a tackle. The thrive for perfection is against accomplishment. Anyhow, last weekend, on the warmest day so far, I grabbed a stack of records and took it from there. To keep it simple and just to get it done.
No sync tools or other gimmicks, a bit ruff round the edges - one take on the decks. Soulful and sleazy, occassionally slightly left of centre, bits of house and all that.
I hope you dig!
No sync tools or other gimmicks, a bit ruff round the edges - one take on the decks. Soulful and sleazy, occassionally slightly left of centre, bits of house and all that.
I hope you dig!
- Joe Cocker – Woman to woman
- Blair – Nightlife
- Michael Zager Band – Don’t sneak on me
- Sunburst band – Everydub
- Dennis Parker – Like an eagle
- Parlour – Sark powers
- Norman Giscombe Jr – Get up and dance
- Secrets – Unknown
- Vakula – Different tone
- Theo Parrish – Twin cities
- Toby Tobias – Macasu (MCDE rmx)
- Mascara - Baja (Instrumental Dub Version)
- Was not was – Wheel me out
- Chicago Shags – Flamingo world
- East 17 divisions – Textures
- Charles B - Lack of love (Garage mix)
- Maurice Fulton - This Is What You Want (Dr Scratch Vibe Mix)
- Seahawks – Omega beach
Friday, 2 July 2010
Summer Boogie
From tomorrow i'm starting a new summer residency throughout July and August. I'm very exctied to say the least as I haven't done this for quite a few years. I guess it's going to be a quite ruff mix from jazz to techno. You know; joining the dots and all that. That's obviously the beauty of having a 'residency' - to form and shape the musical direction.
So here's some tunes to share my enthusiasm and which most certainly will get some spins throughout the summer.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Halloween - Come see what it's all about
This is for the old school ravers - Halloween's 'Come see what it's all about'. A very solid mid-tempo disco/boogie number from this short-lived group. They released just one LP in 79', produced by former Motown and Jackson Five producer Jerry Marcellino.
This is my personal pick, though the spacey disco-tune 'Lady midnight' might address to some of you. It's all well worth looking for, both available on 12" or LP. Thursday, 24 June 2010
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Mary Mundy - Love is gone
This tune is boss! An absolutely amazing song crossing between modern soul and disco. We're talking about a fairly ellusive 12" from Mary Mundy on Laurie Records. Apparently there's a different 7" version, don't quote me on that though, I haven't seen or heard one. I know the Moton dudes released this on one of their bootes some time ago.
Voila - some proper vintage dance music for your pleasure.
Mary Mundy - Love is gone
Voila - some proper vintage dance music for your pleasure.
Mary Mundy - Love is gone
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Mighty Fire - Just a little bit
This is proper summer grooves by Mighty Fire. From their self titled 1982 LP, the track - 'Just a little bit' takes us on a full and mature swing. The group released two LP's, the first in 81', and are very much in the vein of the typical L.A boogie funk genre from the time. Which is not a bad thing at all.
Check this out - this is really really hip.
Mighty Fire - Just a little bit (320)
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Air - Mr. Man
Not to confuse with the French contemporaries (this is lot more interesting). This track is from a 1971 self titled LP by... Yes - Air. Released on Herbie Mann's label Embryo, and prog-ish jazz of highest order and actually produced by Herbie himself. This is a fantastic LP from beginning to end. To be frank, there aren't really many records where every track works in this way.
A funny coincidence is that I just recently found, and posted, a later Googie and Tom Coppola track. These are all fairly new founds for me, and I haven't really done my research here. Please feel free to give us brief story on the Coppola couple.
Anyway, seek out the LP, check the Mr. Man track here to get a feel for the quality.
Air - Mr Man (320)
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Everybody loves the sunshine
Ok, here's the deal. I've been away on holiday, hence the non-existing posting. A great holiday in Italy, after my arrival I did three nights (dj'ing) in a row, and now I'm absolutely knackered. I'm not used to that anymore. But I'm not complaining - it's great.
Anyway, during my visit to Italy I attended a wedding. A good friend, and a music aficiando got married - All the best J-san! One thing that I will carry along from the wedding is the fact that David Axelrod's 'Holy Thursday' got played in the church.
How cool is that!?
How cool is that!?
Some of you have probably heard this from Seu Jorge and Almaz. A great (growing) cover of Roy Ayers' 'Everybody loves the sunshine'. A long player and 12" is set for release on Now Again Records later in the summer. Go there to get a free download of the track.
This is gonna be big this summer!
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Music to zip drinks to
For better or worse, I need different flavours to spice up an ideal music experience. No matter how much can admire those who can do the tricks with strictly house music and such like, I get very easily bored if there's no dynamics in the mix.
Actually this introduction isn't going nowhere...
I guess my point is that this particular mix became a quite stringent towards the end with mainly soul/boogie stuff. As it's done with none preparation, afterwards, I can think that it should have been programmed differently to make it even more "homogeneous". But, nah, that's not what i do. I enjoy it the most when having my stacks of records and the just let it flow. Obviously doing it in the bedroom, there's no audinece to communicate with, which it's essentially about. Therefore I always get a bit anxious about my selections, but on the other hand it's all about the tunes. And them, I'm quite confident with.
I guess my point is that this particular mix became a quite stringent towards the end with mainly soul/boogie stuff. As it's done with none preparation, afterwards, I can think that it should have been programmed differently to make it even more "homogeneous". But, nah, that's not what i do. I enjoy it the most when having my stacks of records and the just let it flow. Obviously doing it in the bedroom, there's no audinece to communicate with, which it's essentially about. Therefore I always get a bit anxious about my selections, but on the other hand it's all about the tunes. And them, I'm quite confident with.
So here you go, the odd bit here and there, and then a full on (almost) boogie journey. But first and foremost a musical celebration for the summer months to come.
- Ned Doheny - Get it up for love
- Azambuja & Cia - Temo do Azambuja
- Pockets - Pasado
- Mr Chinn - Get's it together
- Quiet Village - Too high to move
- General Johnson - Don't walk away
- The Sylvers - Only one can win
- Nancy Wilson - Sunshine
- Patsy Gallant - It'll all come around
- Phyllis Hyman - Dont tell me, tell her
- Sandra Sá - Terra azul
- EWF - Brasilian Rhyme (D. Krivit edit)
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Jorge Ben - Comanche
How about some Jorge Ben!? Yes, it's that time to start to dig out some brasilian niceness. One of my all time favourite Brasilians, and a succesful and well established artist in Brasil since the 60's. This track - 'Comanche' is from the 1971 Negro É Lindo LP, actually arranged by Arthur Verocai, released on Philips (Brasil).
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