Sunday, 30 August 2009

Courtial - Losing you

This is a fantastic track from the Courtial's - Don't you think it's time LP. A bit ellusive affair on the small Pipeline label. Not for every party, but certainly gets me going.
Speaking of hard work musicwise, I played this youth-festival-thingy. A bit to my surprise I was asked to take part. Not an obvious thing for me as I'm mostly into retro stuff nowadays and possibly can squeeze in some midtempo deep modern stuff. Sure a good opportunity to spread my gospel to a new audience, but do the kids really want to hear my stuff? And, sure I got it swinging, threw in a bit of hip hop and stuff that got'em nodding. Good to see some kids feeling the boogie stuff later on as well.
One funny thing was when a youngster was exposed to MJ's 'Off the wall' LP, and asked me - 'is that him'? Then the dude after me went on some sort of autopilot and played some poppy electro-house stuff. Needless to say, the kids went bananas...

So here's to all the David Guetta fans out there:

Courtial -
Losing you (320)

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Club Culture from 88'

More YouTube stuff. A great documentary, from 88', on Club Culture. Charting the Club scene, from Hip Hop, through House, Acid and the wider dance scene. Check this to get some insights on the history.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Lesette Wilson - Look into tomorrow

Just a quick one. Heard this track on a Patrik Forge mixtape recently. Sure I knew about Caveman boogie, but his kills it. Great drums and live feel.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Brownswood Bubblers - Promo mix

Brownswood is the record label of the one and only Giles Peterson of BBC Radio 1. A long time connoisseur of everything jazzy, soulful etc. Now and then they release these compilations of some of the nicest contemporary soul. They're up to No. 4, and this particular giveaway is mix a mix of tracks from all 4 of them.
1. Soundspecies – Can We Call It Love (with Ahu) [BB4]
2. Simbad feat. Steelo – Soul Fever [BB1]
3. Bullion – Get Familiar [BB3]
4. NSM – The Hype [BB2]
5. Katalyst feat. Steve Spacek – How Bout Us [BB3]
6. Cornish Waters feat. Duchess – Walking [BB2]
7. Ayak & First Man – Can We Go Back? [BB1]
8. DJ Day – A Place To Go [BB3]
9. Mayer Hawthorne – Maybe So, Maybe No [BB4]
10. Iman – Who Was I Trying To Fool [BB1]
11. Flying Lotus – Tea Leaf Dancers [BB2]
12. New Look – Everything [BB4]
Download it from here, and you get a nice set with the freshest music around.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Nancy Priddy - You've come this way before

Quite coincidently I came across this LP by Nancy Priddy. Apparently her only album, and released on the Dot label. A very nice funky, soulful and psych-ish listening almost all through. I particularly like the title track, with its heavy drums that recall to David Axelrod at his best.
Check it here:

Or save it for later. Don't miss!
Nancy Priddy - You've come this way before (320)

Billy Paul's 'East' covered by Shawn Lee

Looking forward to this forthcoming release on Ubiquity. Shawn Lee covers Billy Paul's Classic.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

The Chubukos - At the sun up

Due to the abscense of summer up here in the northern shores I thought I'll share some nice summery vibes on the vintage soul side - At the sun up (Instrumental) by The Chubukos. Don't know the scarcity of this one, think it's a quite easy find. Appears on the flipside on a 7" on the Mainstream label. It just sends this nice feeling, and the strings obviously gives that extra emotionality. Hope you like.

The Chubukos - At the sun up (320)