Today I want to pay homage to a few of the reord shops I've visited through the years. Nowadays I don't get the chance to pop into any decent shops too often. Due deference to Internet, there's nothing like walking into a real shop. For good or bad, to be honest. When going to Stockholm, I sometimes avoid going the shops as they're just too good, and It's just a burden to be encountered by these brilliant records that that are going to dig deep holes into your pockets.
Anyway, here's a list of great shops, some still around, that I've been to:
- Vaxkupan. In my hometown (Nkpg), where I seriously started to buy records in the early 90's.
- Recordmania, Stockholm. Simply one of the best shops I've ever been to. http://recordmania.net/
- Soul Jazz, London, especially the old one at Ingestre Place. http://www.soundsoftheuniverse.com/
- Fat Cat, London. Was always an essential stop on frequent trips to London in the 90's.
- Atlas, London, as Fat Cat crucial for electronic isht in the 90's.
- Reckless, London. There's a few around which always where great for promo's.
- HMV, London. It could actually be really good at times.
- Black Market, London. The basement for Drum'n'bass is just a great memory. http://www.bm-soho.com/
- Honest Jons, London. Cool shop & cool staff. A nice trip to get out to out to west London when living there early 2000. http://www.honestjons.com
- Guiness Records, Tokyo. The look and the records. Only in Japan. http://guinness-records.com/
- Jazzy Sport, Tokyo. Really hard to find on the 5th floor in an office-type of building. http://www.jazzysport.com/
- Disk Union, Tokyo. Various branches in focused on different genres. One of the best. http://diskunion.net/
- Especial, Kyoto. A quite small but nice selection of jazz and related. http://www.especial-records.com/
Rush Hour måste Du besöka någongång... Verkligen en av mina favoriter alltså.
Hey man,
Ska försöka. Har handlat en hel del via nätet. Återstår bara att ta sig till Amsterdam.
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